Our Story

Hey there! I’m Laksh, the founder of Denovia Digital, and here’s a little story about our journey.

Picture this: an international student in Melbourne, that’s me, trying to find the best local spots. Google was my best mate, but it kept letting me down. Why? Because so many awesome local businesses didn’t even pop up online. And I thought, “What a bummer!”

So I got this idea while sipping a flat white at this hidden café I stumbled upon (not online, mind you). What if I could help businesses like this café show up online? Fast forward through some serious web design grind after graduating uni, and boom, Denovia Digital was born.
Now, we’re all about giving businesses the online spotlight they deserve. No more invisibility for the local legends! Whether it’s a cozy little dental clinic or your neighbourhood gym, we’re here to jazz up their online vibe. And that’s our jam!
Well, that’s us. Just a bunch of folks who believe every local business should be a click away. Cheers to making the digital world a bit more local!

Our Founders

So you know how Denovia Digital started, right? (see Our Story)
After the whole "student-finds-a-gap-in-the-market" episode, things got real. I came back home to New Delhi, India and setup operations.
Fast forward a bit, and guess what? Enter the plot twist: Mom. She's been the brains behind a family biz back in the day, and she's got this knack for making everyone feel like they're the bee's knees. One day, she's like, "Why not join forces?" And bam, Denovia Digital becomes this cool mom-son gig.
It's not just about making websites pop; it's about bringing that family magic to the mix. Mom's got the charm, I've got the tech skills, and together, we're like the dynamic duo of the web world. We're out here making sure every local legend from the burbs to the city gets their time to shine online. It's all about keeping it real, you know? Every client's like family. We're not just building websites; we're building relationships!

Our Team

Meet the Dream Team! 🌟 Here at Denovia Digital, we’re not just a crew; we’re a family. From the technical whiz kid to the design guru, each one of us brings a unique flavor to the table. We’ve got the tech chops, the creative flair, and a whole lot of heart. Dive into our world and get to know the faces behind the screens – the ones turning your digital dreams into reality. Let’s make some internet magic together! 💻✨

Lakshya Vohra


B.Com (Accounting & Finance), University of Melbourne

Vishakha Vohra


B.A, M.A & Ph.D (Psychology), University of Mumbai

Deepak Kumar


B.Engg (Computer Science), University of Delhi

Ashwini Sharma


B.A, M.A (English Literature), University of Calcutta